
Properties can be added to entities, and will become class properties backed with database columns upon code generation. They’re generated with reasonable defaults, but can be easily modified to suit your use cases.

Adding a Property

There are a few ways to add a property to an entity:

A new property will be added to the entity and you’ll have the opportunity to change its name from the default generated name. An advanced feature of the designer also gives you the opportunity to change its type, whether or not it’s an identity field, and whether or not its value is required to be other than the type’s default value at runtime (i.e., a required property). See more about this below.

Removing a Property

To remove a property, simply select it (on the designer or the Model Explorer) and hit the Delete key. It will be removed from the model completely without confirmation.

Property Properties

Selecting a property gives you access to its properties in the Property window. Those are:

Code Generation
Abstract Boolean. If false, this is a normal property. If true, it will be generated as an abstract property and the entity will be marked as abstract as well. Note that setting it from true to false does not reset the entity's Abstract property back to false.
Auto Property Boolean. If false, generates a backing store field with a partial method to hook getting and setting the property. If true, generates a simple auto property.
Custom Attributes String. Attributes generated in the code for this element - anything here will be generated verbatim into the code in the class definition.
Display Text String. Will cause the generation of a [Display(Name="<text>")] attribute tag in the code.
Implement INotifyPropertyChanged Boolean. If true, will cause this property to not be an autoproperty and will add code to implement INotifyPropertyChanged to the setter. If false, that code won't be generated, and the AutoProperty value can be set back to true (setting this value to false won't change AutoProperty back).
Initial Value String. Value for attribute when first created. Will be validated to ensure entry is appropriate for the property's type
Name The name of the property. Must be a valid C# symbol.
Persistent Boolean. If true, Attribute will be stored in persistent storage
Read Only Boolean. If true, no setter will be generated. Only valid for transient public properties.
Required Boolean. If true, cannot be null (or the default value for the property type, if not nullable)
Setter Visibility String. Visibility for property setter; getter is public. Valid entries are public and protected. This setting is unavailable if the property is an Identity and autogenerated.
Type String. Type of this attribute. Select from list of valid types. If you pick a type that can't be used as an identity, the Is Identity and Identity Type properties will be removed.
Virtual Boolean. If true, property will be generated with the 'virtual' keyword
Column Name String. The name of the backing column in the database
Column Type String. The data type for column in the database. Use default to let Entity Framework decide. Overrides here should be valid for the database being used. No error checking occurs to detect compatability between this value and the property's type
Identity Type String. If this property is an identity, how the value is generated? Choices are AutoGenerated (to let EF create it for you), Manual (doing it yourself) or None (this isn't an identity property)
Indexed Boolean. If true, this property will create an index in the database. For multi-property indices, see below.
Indexed Unique Boolean. If indexed and this is true, a unique index will be created in the database using this property
Is Concurrency Token Boolean. If true, this property serves as the concurrency value for the class
Is Identity Boolean. If true, this attribute represents the identity of the object. Will automatically set Indexed and Indexed Unique to true. Note that if you want a multi-property identity (or, in database terms, a multi-column primary key), you can set this value to true for more than one property in the entity.
Comment Detail String. XML comment <Remarks> section
Comment Summary String. XML comment <Summary> section
String Properties
Max Length Integer. Maximum length of the string, 0 for no max length
Min Length Integer. Minimum length of the string, 0 for no min length. If non-zero, must be less than or equal to Max Length.
String Type String. If not empty, will create a HTML5 attribute annotation for this attribute. Valid values are None, Color, Date, DateTime, Email, Month, Number, Range, Search, Telephone, Time, URI, Week, and Password.

Creating a multi-property index

There isn’t any direct support in the designer for adding an index that spans more than one property, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be done.

Just to be clear, we’re not talking about identity properties here. For identity, setting the Is Identity flag for a property will cause it to be used as part of the entity’s identity, and that’s for one property or more than one. This discussion is about plain old indices. With the designer, you can have any property be indexed (by setting its Indexed flag to true), but that creates an index for that property only; if you want to create one index for a set of properties, you’ll have to go beyond the designer.

To do that, implement the OnModelCreatedImpl method in your context’s partial class. There, you can add a method to create your index on however many properties you need. Something like

void OnModelCreatedImpl(System.Data.Entity.DbModelBuilder modelBuilder) {
   modelBuilder.Entity<Item>().HasIndex((Item b) => new { b.column1, b.column2, b.column3 });

Context Menu

Right-clicking on a property displays a Visual Studio context menu with some new choices pertinent to that property.

Menu choiceDescription
Add new PropertyAdds a property to the entity.
EditActivates in-diagram editing for the property name (and other attributes using the designer's custom property syntax)
Cut, Copy, PasteYou can cut or copy, then paste, properties. Pasting can be to the same entity or to other entities. The pasted elements will be adjusted so that they don't violate any rules (such as two elements not having the same name), but otherwise the properties will stay the same. If no properties are selected in the designer, the cut and copy options will be disabled. If no properties are in the clipboard, the paste option will be disabled.
DeleteThe selected property will be removed from the entity.
ValidateChecks the currently selected entity against the validation rules built into the designer. Errors or warnings are displayed in Visual Studio's Error List window. If no element is selected, this validates the design surface itself.
Validate AllChecks all model elements against the afore mentioned validation rules. Errors or warnings are displayed in Visual Studio's Error List window.
Show Hidden ElementsUnhides any elements that were previously hidden, along with their association or inheritance lines. If no elements are hidden, this option will be disabled.
SelectOne of the features of the Visual Studio property editor is the ability to edit properties of multiple items if they share that property. This submenu gives you the ability to select model elements by type so that you can conveniently edit properties of those elements together (e.g., setting the color of multiple classes all at once). If the pertinent element type isn't present in the designer, that option will be disabled.
Select all classes...Select all class elements in the designer
Select all enums...Select all enum elements in the designer
Select all associations...Select all association lines (both unidirectional and bidirectional) in the designer
Select all unidirectional associations...Select all unidirectiional association lines in the designer
Select all bidirectional associations...Select all bidirectional association lines in the designer
PropertiesSwitches focus to the Properties window.

Adding Properties via Code (custom property syntax)

You can quickly add a group of properties as text, a great time saver for those cases where you have existing classes that you want to make persistent and add to the model.

The designer exposes a custom property syntax that allows you to specify a property’s:

All of these are optional except for Name. Some details:

Type"string"Can be CLR type or built-in type (e.g., Int32 or int)
RequiredfalseIndicated by the '?' symbol appended to the Type
Minimum Length0Indicated by a decimal number in brackets. If present, must be followed by hyphen ('-') and the maximum length. A zero (0) means no minimum length.
Maximum Length0Indicated by a decimal number in brackets. A zero (0) means no maximum length.
Initial ValueIndicated by an equal sign ('=') followed by some value
Is IdentityfalseIndicated by the '!' symbol appended to the Name

The syntax is:

<Visibility> <Type><?><[MinLength-MaxLength]> <Name><!> <= Value>


<Visibility> <Name><!> : <Type><?><[MinLength-MaxLength]> <= Value>


The following all declare a required string property with no length restrictions named foo:

string foo
public string foo
foo: string
public foo: string

To make it an optional value:

string? foo
public string? foo
foo: string?
public foo: string?

Let’s make it optional and restrict it to 50 characters:

string?[50] foo
public string?[50] foo
foo: string?[50]
public foo: string?[50]

Or ensure that it’s between 10 and 50 characters

string?[10-50] foo
public string?[10-50] foo
foo: string?[10-50]
public foo: string?[10-50]

(A bit more on this: MinLength isn’t needed if you don’t care about it, so [50] is perfectly valid as a MaxLength specification. You would use [10-0] to say the MinLength is 10 but there is no MaxLength, since having just one number in the brackets is interpreted as a MaxLength. [0-50] is pefectly valid, but unnecessary, since [50] would do. [50-10] is right out - you’ll get an error trying to do that.

You might be wondering: if I specify a minimum length, does that mean it’s required? The model won’t automatically set the Required attribute if it sees a Min Length, since that would mean that it’s needed at object construction time, and you may not intend that to be true.)

If we wanted to set it up in the entity’s constructor with an initial value:

foo = "some value"
string foo = "some value"
public string foo = "some value"
foo: string = "some value"
public foo: string = "some value"

(note that, while making a property optional and giving it a initial value is possible, it has limited use cases)

To add an identity property:

int foo!
public int foo!
foo!: int
public foo!: int

Let’s make foo a Nullable<Int64> and have its setter inaccessible by outside code:

protected long? foo
protected foo: long?

To edit the properties as text, select the entity and right-click to get its context menu. Choose Add properties via Code and you’ll see a small window pop up with the current properties:

Add, edit or remove text as required - when you click OK, all the properties will be replaced by the parsed values of the text in that window. Any unrecognized values will be discarded.

You’ll note that one of the options is for the text to be a list of valid C# property declarations, so if you have classes that you want to add to the model, you’ll be able to copy their property declarations and paste them in here. Any lines with curly braces in them will be truncated at the first open brace. Trailing semicolons are discarded as well.

Let’s say you had an Address class in your code and wanted to add it to your persistent entity model.

   public class Address
      public int Id               { get; set; }
      public string AddressLine1  { get; set; }
      public string AddressLine2  { get; set; }
      public string City          { get; set; }
      public string StateProvince { get; set; }
      public string PostalCode    { get; set; }

You could add the class to the designer and open the Add properties via Code window. Copy and paste the properties from your class into this window and click OK.

When you click OK, the Address class is updated with the new properties.

A few things to notice:

Next Step
